Du 17.04.2023 au 19.04.2023 inclus, il n'y aura pas de consultations.
Le secrétariat sera ouvert aux heures habituelles.
En cas d'urgence, veuillez appeler le 112.
From April 17th 2023 until April 19th 2023 inclusive, there will be no consultations.
The secretary's office will be open at the usual hours.
In the case of an emergency, please call 112.
Le secrétariat sera ouvert aux heures habituelles.
En cas d'urgence, veuillez appeler le 112.
From April 17th 2023 until April 19th 2023 inclusive, there will be no consultations.
The secretary's office will be open at the usual hours.
In the case of an emergency, please call 112.